{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
module Yaifl.Properties.Property
( HasProperty(..)
, WMHasProperty
) where
import Solitude ( Either(..), const, atraversal, eitherJoin, AffineTraversal' )
import Yaifl.Common ( WMObjSpecifics )
-- | A helper to define that a world model `wm` has a Property.
type WMHasProperty wm v = HasProperty (WMObjSpecifics wm) v
class HasProperty o v where
default propertyL :: AffineTraversal' o v
propertyL = atraversal Left const
propertyL :: AffineTraversal' o v
instance (HasProperty a v, HasProperty b v) => HasProperty (Either a b) v where
propertyL = propertyL `eitherJoin` propertyL
instance HasProperty () a