Entities and Stores
By decentralising references between objects and instead storing some kind of ID and some kind of Map ID Object
, we can avoid mutable state. Hooray!
newtype Entity = Entity
{ unID :: Int
} deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (Eq, Num, Read, Bounded, Hashable, Enum, Ord, Real, Integral)
A newtype
wrapper around Int
. Yup, that's about it. One nice feature is that we can, under the assumption
that nobody does something strange (like turning a Thing
into a Room
), determine whether a given Entity
refers to a Thing
or a Room
by whether we generated the ID by counting up or down:
isThing ::
(HasID a)
=> a
-> Bool
isThing a = getID a >= 0
isRoom ::
(HasID a)
=> a
-> Bool
isRoom = not . isThing
It's also nice to have a way to always get an Entity
from a construct:
class HasID n where
getID :: n -> Entity
instance HasID Entity where
getID = id
instance Display Entity where
display (Entity i) = "ID: " <> show i
We also then reserve a few IDs for the 'default' objects which we never want to see at runtime, but need at construction time to avoid unnecessary Maybe
defaultVoidID :: Entity
defaultVoidID = Entity (-1)
defaultNothingID :: Entity
defaultNothingID = Entity 0
defaultPlayerID :: Entity
defaultPlayerID = Entity 1
A Store
is a map from Entity
s to a
s. Usually this is some flavour of Object wm d
, but we can also use
Store (Entity, Payload)
for relations and things like that. Of course, since I've refactored the direct link of a Map
-based store to a specific interpretation of the world's effects, this seems slightly out of place. But it's fairly obvious as the go-to implementation so it may as well stay here.
-- import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
newtype Store a = Store
{ unStore :: EM.EnumMap Entity a
} deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Read)
emptyStore :: Store a
emptyStore = Store EM.empty
EnumMap and Optics
(and its sibling EnumSet
) are nice convenient newtype
wrappers around IntMap
, but they're not
quite cut out for a) further newtype
wrappers around them, and b) the instances for nice Lens
First let's define our own alterF
for EnumMap
and then another for a newtype
alterEMF ::
(Functor f, Enum k)
=> (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a))
-> k
-> EM.EnumMap k a
-> f (EM.EnumMap k a)
alterEMF upd k m = EM.intMapToEnumMap <$> IM.alterF upd (fromEnum k) (EM.enumMapToIntMap m)
alterNewtypeEMF ::
(Functor f, Enum k)
=> (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a))
-> k
-> (nt -> EM.EnumMap k a)
-> (EM.EnumMap k a -> nt)
-> nt
-> f nt
alterNewtypeEMF upd k unwrap wrap' m = wrap' <$> alterEMF upd k (unwrap m)
Which we can now use for a nice and tidy At
instance At (Store a) where
at k = lensVL $ \f -> alterNewtypeEMF f k unStore Store
Finally, we choose the obvious instantiations for the associated index types.
type instance IxValue (Store a) = a
type instance Index (Store a) = Entity
instance Ixed (Store a)
Which means we can now write use our lenses as someStore ^? at someEntity
rather than someStore ^? coercedTo @(EnumMap Entity a) % to unStore % at someEntity
, or some other verbose beast.