The World State

This is the monolithic core of the library. It can be chunked into a few main pieces, each of which is handled by a separate effect handler to keep our separation of concerns as modular as possible (for instance, an object should not be able to run an Action when printing out some text!).

We put the message buffer as part of the state even though we are in IO because it allows us to directly consume the output (e.g. for testing).

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Yaifl.World where
import Solitude
import Yaifl.Common

import Yaifl.Say
--import Yaifl.Rulebooks.Rulebook
--import Yaifl.Activities.Activity
--import Yaifl.Actions.Action
import Yaifl.Objects.Dynamic
import Yaifl.Objects.Query
import Cleff.State
import Yaifl.Objects.Object
import Yaifl.Objects.Create
import Display
--import Yaifl.Actions.Looking
--import Yaifl.Actions.Going

data World (wm :: WorldModel) = World
  { _worldMetadata :: Metadata wm
  , _worldStores :: WorldStores wm
  , _worldActions :: WorldActions wm
  , _messageBuffer :: MessageBuffer


makeLenses ''World
makeLenses ''WorldModel
makeLenses ''WorldStores



These fields are for information we need to keep around but don't have complex dependencies -- so we can define the metadata in Yaifl.Common and therefore break the import cycle of individual modules <-> Yaifl.World we have with a monolithic state record, but without having to write the boilerplate of an effect that exposes each of these fields individually.

data CurrentStage = Construction | Verification | Runtime
  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Enum, Generic)

Room Descriptions

Lifted directly from Inform; this sets whether to always print room descriptions (No..) even if the room is visited, to only print them on the first entry (Sometimes..), or never.

data RoomDescriptions = SometimesAbbreviatedRoomDescriptions
  | AbbreviatedRoomDescriptions
  | NoAbbreviatedRoomDescriptions 
  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Enum, Generic)

World Stores

The lookup tables for various objects, values, etc in the game. This is probably the most important part of the World state.

data WorldStores (wm :: WorldModel) = WorldStores
  { _entityCounter :: (Entity, Entity)
  , _things :: Store (AbstractThing wm)
  , _rooms :: Store (AbstractRoom wm)
  , _values :: Map Text (WMValues wm)
  , _concepts :: ()-- !(Store (AbstractConcept t r c))

World Actions

These are the dynamic parts that run things. This is the in-world actions, the standard activities (because user-defined activities can be done separately and don't need a lookup), and the two standalone rulebooks. Again, user-defined rulebooks act the same as activities and don't need to be stored around in the state.

data WorldActions (wm :: WorldModel) = WorldActions
  { _actions :: () -- !(Map Text (Action wm))
  , _activities :: () -- !(ActivityCollection wm)
  , _whenPlayBegins :: () -- !(Rulebook wm () () Bool)
  , _actionProcessing :: ()-- ActionProcessing wm

Timestamp Caching

It is up to functions which might do some more complex processing (e.g. move) to update the time.

newtype Timestamp = Timestamp
  { unTimestamp :: Int
  } deriving stock   (Show, Read, Generic)
    deriving newtype (Eq, Num, Enum, Ord, Real, Integral)


-- | Turn an `AbstractObject` into a regular `Object` and update the cache if needed.
reifyObject ::
  State (Metadata wm) :> es
  => (AbstractObject wm d -> Eff es ())
  -> AbstractObject wm d
  -> Eff es (Object wm d)
reifyObject _ (StaticObject v) = return v
reifyObject setFunc (DynamicObject ts) = do
  let co = _tsCachedObject ts
  now <- getGlobalTime
    _tsCacheStamp ts == now
    return co
      -- update the object
      updatedObj <- runObjectUpdate (_tsUpdateFunc ts) co
      t <- getGlobalTime
      setFunc (DynamicObject $ TimestampedObject updatedObj t (_tsUpdateFunc ts))
      return updatedObj

reifyRoom :: 
  State (Metadata wm) :> es
  => (ObjectCreation wm :> es)
  => AbstractRoom wm
  -> Eff es (Room wm)
reifyRoom = reifyObject addAbstractRoom

reifyThing :: 
  State (Metadata wm) :> es
  => (ObjectCreation wm :> es)
  => AbstractThing wm
  -> Eff es (Thing wm)
reifyThing = reifyObject addAbstractThing

runCreationAsLookup :: 
  State (World wm) :> es
  => Eff (ObjectCreation wm : es) 
  ~> Eff es
runCreationAsLookup = interpret \case
  GenerateEntity bThing -> if bThing then 
    ((worldStores % entityCounter % _1) <<%= (+1)) else ((worldStores % entityCounter % _2) <<%= (+1))
  AddAbstractRoom aRoom -> worldStores % rooms % at (getID aRoom) ?= aRoom
  AddAbstractThing aThing -> worldStores % things % at (getID aThing) ?= aThing

runQueryAsLookup :: 
  State (World wm) :> es
  => (ObjectCreation wm :> es)
  => (State (Metadata wm) :> es)
  => Eff (ObjectQuery wm : es) 
  ~> Eff es
runQueryAsLookup = interpret \case
  LookupThing e -> do
    mbObj <- use $ worldStores % things % at (getID e)
    case mbObj of
      Nothing -> return 
        if isThing e 
            Left $ "Tried to lookup a room as a thing " <> displayText (getID e) 
            Left $ "Could not find" <> displayText (getID e)
      Just ao -> withoutMissingObjects (Right <$> reifyThing ao) (\mo -> return $ Left $ "Failed to reify " <> displayText mo)
  LookupRoom e -> error ""
  SetRoom r -> error ""
  SetThing t -> error ""


tickGlobalTime :: 
  MonadWorld wm m
  => Bool
  -> m ()
--I have no idea what my plans were for this flag.
tickGlobalTime False = dirtyTime .= True
tickGlobalTime True = do
  dirtyTime .= False
  _ <- globalTime <%= (+1)
  -- debug (bformat ("Dong. The time is now " %! int %! ".") r)

addBaseActions :: 
  HasLookingProperties wm
  => World wm
  -> World wm
addBaseActions = foldr (.) id [
    addAction lookingActionImpl
  , addAction goingActionImpl
