Object Querying Effects
This is an excellent example of how smaller effects mean less boilerplate over the equivalent mtl solution. I think. At least it certainly avoid the O(n^2) instances that come from having a ObjectRead
, ObjectWrite
, ObjectQuery
, etc set of constraints.
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Yaifl.Objects.Query
( -- * Types
, MissingObject(..)
, ObjectQuery(..)
-- * Missing Objects
, withoutMissingObjects
, failHorriblyIfMissing
, handleMissingObject
, NoMissingObjects
-- * Get
, lookupThing
, lookupRoom
, getObject
, getThingMaybe
, getRoomMaybe
, asThingOrRoom
-- * Modify
, modifyObject
, modifyThing
, modifyRoom
-- * Set
, setThing
, setRoom
) where
import Cleff.Error ( Error, fromEither, runError, throwError )
import Cleff.State ( State )
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
import Solitude
import Yaifl.Common ( Metadata, WorldModel, HasID(..), Entity, isThing )
import Yaifl.Logger ( Log, err )
import Yaifl.Objects.Object ( _Room, _Thing, AnyObject, Object(_objID), Room, Thing )
Missing Objects
It's much easier to use some kind of Error
effect to avoid wrapping endless amounts of object querying in Maybe
. We start with a simple payload that holds whatever object was looked for (and failed to find), and some contextual error message.
data MissingObject = MissingObject
{ _moExpected :: Text
, _moEntity :: Entity
} deriving stock (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Generic)
makeLenses ''MissingObject
withoutMissingObjects ::
(HasCallStack => Eff (Error MissingObject ': es) a) -- ^ the block
-> (HasCallStack => MissingObject -> Eff es a) -- ^ the handler
-> Eff es a
withoutMissingObjects f def = do
r <- runError f
case r of
Left err' -> def err'
Right x -> return x
handleMissingObject ::
=> Log :> es
=> TLB.Builder
-> Eff es a
-> MissingObject
-> Eff es a
handleMissingObject msg def (MissingObject t o) = do
err (msg <> bformat (stext %! "; Object ID: " %! stext) t (show o))
failHorriblyIfMissing ::
Log :> es
=> (HasCallStack => Eff (Error MissingObject ': es) a)
-> Eff es a
failHorriblyIfMissing f = withoutMissingObjects f (\(MissingObject t o) -> do
let msg = "Failing horribly and erroring out because we can't recover"
emsg = msg <> bformat (stext %! "; Object ID: " %! stext) t (show o)
err emsg
error $ show emsg)
Object querying
And now we have the effects themselves. A write-only effect wouldn't be particularly useful, and similarly there's not a great use-case for thing-only or room-only. We return Either
in the lookup
functions because we have multiple possible fail cases (when we are reifying dynamic objects as well as the expected failed lookup). The Either
is consumed by higher-level functions, so we probably never use lookup
data ObjectQuery (wm :: WorldModel) :: Effect where
LookupThing :: HasID o => o -> ObjectQuery wm m (Either Text (Thing wm))
LookupRoom :: HasID o => o -> ObjectQuery wm m (Either Text (Room wm))
SetRoom :: Room wm -> ObjectQuery wm m ()
SetThing :: Thing wm -> ObjectQuery wm m ()
makeEffect ''ObjectQuery
type NoMissingObjects wm es = (Error MissingObject :> es, ObjectQuery wm :> es, State (Metadata wm) :> es)
A slight detour to things which are almost objects but require looking up extra information in the effect stack. This is slightly more restrictive than HasID
class HasID o => ObjectLike wm o where
getRoom :: NoMissingObjects wm es => o -> Eff es (Room wm)
default getRoom :: NoMissingObjects wm es => o -> Eff es (Room wm)
getRoom o = throwError $ MissingObject "Called getRoom on an object with no instance." (getID o)
getThing :: NoMissingObjects wm es => o -> Eff es (Thing wm)
default getThing :: (NoMissingObjects wm es) => o -> Eff es (Thing wm)
getThing o = throwError $ MissingObject "Called getThing on an object with no instance." (getID o)
And we have the obvious instances for Object
s themselves, to eliminate the Either
out of an AnyObject
, and the sneakily most important instance that wraps lookup
with removing the fail case.
instance ObjectLike wm (Thing wm) where
getThing = pure
instance ObjectLike wm (Room wm) where
getRoom = pure
instance ObjectLike wm (AnyObject wm) where
getThing t = fromEither
(maybeToRight (MissingObject ("Tried to get a thing from " <> show (_objID t) <> " but it was a room.") (getID t))
(preview _Thing t))
getRoom t = fromEither
(maybeToRight (MissingObject ("Tried to get a room from " <> show (_objID t) <> " but it was a thing.") (getID t))
(preview _Room t))
instance ObjectLike wm Entity where
getRoom e = lookupRoom e >>= either (throwError . flip MissingObject e) return
getThing e = lookupThing e >>= either (throwError . flip MissingObject e) return
Most of the get
functionality is in ObjectLike
, but we have a couple of useful functions here:
- if we don't know the type of an object (and it's irrelevant enough to not bother querying the ID type at the call site), we can just get
. - sometimes we don't want to throw an error or deal with
blocks, so we can wrap it back into aMaybe
. - Finally we can do coproduct elimination by handling both cases of an
getObject ::
NoMissingObjects wm es
=> ObjectLike wm o
=> o
-> Eff es (AnyObject wm)
getObject e = if isThing e
then (review _Thing <$> getThing e)
else (review _Room <$> getRoom e)
getThingMaybe ::
ObjectQuery wm :> es
=> State (Metadata wm) :> es
=> ObjectLike wm o
=> o
-> Eff es (Maybe (Thing wm))
getThingMaybe o = withoutMissingObjects (getThing o <&> Just) (const (return Nothing))
getRoomMaybe ::
ObjectQuery wm :> es
=> State (Metadata wm) :> es
=> ObjectLike wm o
=> o
-> Eff es (Maybe (Room wm))
getRoomMaybe o = withoutMissingObjects (getRoom o <&> Just) (const (return Nothing))
asThingOrRoom ::
NoMissingObjects wm es
=> ObjectLike wm o
=> o
-> (Thing wm -> a)
-> (Room wm -> a)
-> Eff es a
asThingOrRoom o tf rf =
if isThing o
then tf <$> getThing o
else rf <$> getRoom o
Modifying Objects
For modifying, we have a helper function that is basically a verbose and law-breaking lens and then modifying specific objects is simply a curried version. The awkward case is modifying an AnyObject
because technically the object could switch from Thing
to Room
in the middle but we trust that not to happen.
modifyObjectFrom ::
(o -> Eff es (Object wm any))
-> (Object wm any -> Eff es ())
-> o
-> (Object wm any -> Object wm any)
-> Eff es ()
modifyObjectFrom g s o u = do
obj <- g o
s (u obj)
modifyThing ::
NoMissingObjects wm es
=> ObjectLike wm o
=> o
-> (Thing wm -> Thing wm)
-> Eff es ()
modifyThing = modifyObjectFrom getThing setThing
modifyRoom ::
NoMissingObjects wm es
=> ObjectLike wm o
=> o
-> (Room wm -> Room wm)
-> Eff es ()
modifyRoom = modifyObjectFrom getRoom setRoom
modifyObject ::
NoMissingObjects wm es
=> ObjectLike wm o
=> o
-> (AnyObject wm -> AnyObject wm)
-> Eff es ()
modifyObject e s =
if isThing e
then modifyThing e (anyModifyToThing s)
else modifyRoom e (anyModifyToRoom s)
anyModifyToThing ::
(AnyObject s -> AnyObject s)
-> (Thing s -> Thing s)
anyModifyToThing f t = fromMaybe t (preview _Thing $ f (review _Thing t))
anyModifyToRoom ::
(AnyObject s -> AnyObject s)
-> (Room s -> Room s)
anyModifyToRoom f t = fromMaybe t (preview _Room $ f (review _Room t))