And now we turn to the final of the foundational parts of the world model, the Object
. Whilst we don't go quite as far as
Inform does, where everything is an object of some kind (including directions, or if you wanted to extend the system with ideas such as people having knowledge of something), we still consider most things in a game to be an Object
of some kind. These can be split into two categories; Thing
s (physical, interactable, objects) and Room
s (spaces to be moved between).
Each of these can be further divided into more specific instances, but it is significantly simpler to deal with everything being either a realisable object or a space, and treat the very few intangible objects as their own specific thing (for example, directions). The obvious downside of this is that we have to treat directions specially -- but since when has anyone written a piece of IF where they need to invent new directions at runtime?
First we have the overview of the module.
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Yaifl.Objects.Object (
-- * Types
, Object(..)
, Thing
, Room
, AnyObject
-- * Object Helpers
, objectEquals
-- * Lenses
, objName, objDescription, objID, objType
, objCreationTime, objSpecifics, objData
-- * Prisms
, _Room, _Thing ) where
import Solitude
import Yaifl.Common ( WMObjSpecifics, Timestamp, HasID(..), Entity )
import Yaifl.Objects.ObjectData ( RoomData, ThingData )
import Yaifl.Objects.Specifics ( ObjectSpecifics )
makeLenses ''Object
And the object type itself:
data Object wm objData = Object
{ _objName :: !Text
, _objDescription :: !Text
, _objID :: !Entity
, _objType :: !ObjType
, _objCreationTime :: !Timestamp
, _objSpecifics :: !(Either ObjectSpecifics (WMObjSpecifics wm))
, _objData :: !objData
} deriving stock (Generic)
deriving stock instance (Show (WMObjSpecifics wm), Show d) => Show (Object wm d)
deriving stock instance (Read (WMObjSpecifics wm), Read d) => Read (Object wm d)
So there's a handful of things here:
s are parameterised by two type parameters;wm :: WorldModel
, which we use to define the extensions ofObjectSpecifics
(to be discussed below), andobjData
, which will always be one of 3 types:ThingData wm
, and we have aThing
;RoomData wm
, and we have aRoom
;Either (ThingData wm) (RoomData wm)
, and we have no idea which so we call itAnyObject
are covered in the next section
- Yes, everything is prefixed with an underscore because we use a lot of lens TH generation.
- This is the first of many standalone deriving instances. Will we ever need
Read (Object wm d)
? Probably not, but still.
Some useful instances
Obviously we can get an ID
out of an Object
instance HasID (Object wm d) where
getID = _objID
The other obvious missing one is Eq
; if we automatically derive Eq
, we can only compare objects with the same objData
type -- so no comparison at all of Room
s and Thing
s (even if that's always False
) or even Thing
s and AnyObject
s (which may be true). So we write our own that is slightly more lenient on the types, and Ord
too even though it makes no sense.
objectEquals ::
Object wm d
-> Object wm d'
-> Bool
objectEquals = (. _objID) . (==) . _objID
instance Eq (Object wm d) where
(==) = objectEquals
-- | Maybe I'll need this instance for something or other?
instance Ord (Object wm d) where
compare = (. _objID) . compare . _objID
Another fairly useful set of instances that don't make a huge amount of sense for anything other than ease of use: Functor
, Foldable
, and Traversable
. All 3 work over objData
, so the primary use is to go back-and-forth from AnyObject
instance Functor (Object wm) where
fmap ::
(a -> b)
-> Object wm a
-> Object wm b
fmap f = objData %~ f
instance Foldable (Object wm) where
foldMap ::
(a -> m)
-> Object wm a
-> m
foldMap f = f . _objData
instance Traversable (Object wm) where
traverse ::
Applicative f
=> (a -> f b)
-> Object wm a
-> f (Object wm b)
traverse f o = (\v -> o {_objData = v}) <$> f (_objData o)
Object Types
may look strange given how much we are trying to avoid remaking OO here, but this use of an object "type" is more of a tag system:
newtype ObjType = ObjType
{ unObjType :: Text
} deriving stock (Eq, Show)
deriving newtype (Read, Ord, IsList, IsString, Monoid, Semigroup)
s make a DAG that approximates inheritance in name only. For instance, we may wish to check that an object is a supporter for printing locale descriptions (where we want to say "on the table" rather than "in the table"). We aren't being polymorphic and imitating v-tables, or deriving properties automatically - we just note that "supporter" is a valid object type and e.g. a "display cabinet" is also a kind of supporter, and a "glass fronted display cabinet" is a kind of display cabinet and we can infer the transitive property.
Things, Rooms, AnyObjects
And at last, we can talk about Thing
, Room
, and AnyObject
type Thing wm = Object wm ThingData
type Room wm = Object wm (RoomData wm)
type AnyObject wm = Object wm (Either ThingData (RoomData wm))
Lenses and Prisms
For the most part I'm omitting fluff like makeLenses ''Object
(if you're really interested, they will be in the full noweb
file in the Reference
section). However there are two very useful prisms we can define. Originally, these were their own typeclass called CanBeAny
- because they looked like
toAny :: a -> b
fromAny :: b -> Maybe a
but then I realised these were just preview
and review
respectively. There is an equivalent for AbstractObject
as well, though whether it's useful isn't yet decided.
_Room :: Prism' (AnyObject wm) (Room wm)
_Room = prism' (fmap Right) (traverse rightToMaybe)
_Thing :: Prism' (AnyObject wm) (Thing wm)
_Thing = prism' (fmap Left) (traverse leftToMaybe)
Though I keep the class around regardless, because toAny o
makes more semantic sense than review _Thing
class CanBeAny wm o where
toAny :: o -> AnyObject wm
fromAny :: AnyObject wm -> Maybe o
instance CanBeAny wm (Room wm) where
toAny = review _Room
fromAny = preview _Room
instance CanBeAny wm (Thing wm) where
toAny = review _Thing
fromAny = preview _Thing
instance CanBeAny wm (AnyObject wm) where
toAny = id
fromAny = Just