WorldModel and WMx Type Families

The problem

One thing that has repeatedly annoyed me when trying to hack around on yaifl is the desire to be as general as possible, but whilst doing my best to avoid writing imperative code but in Haskell. One of these major headscratching problems was how to have something akin to extensible records but in a more Haskell-y way. For instance, take object types. We can provide a standard library of Thing, Room, Door, Person, Vehicle, etc. just fine; but what if we want to have a Gate? In an OO- language this is fine - just inherit from Door. In Haskell we can approximate this in the same way Parsec deals with its error types:

data ObjectType a = ThingType Thing | DoorType Door | RoomType Room ... | Other a

And we are then open (as long as the user supplied a satisfies constraints that we impose, such as Show or Eq) to extensionality but closed at compile time. This has the drawback that if you want this open-closed hierarchy on many types of data, you have a monolithic state that looks something like MonolithicState a b c d e f g:

  • We want horizontally extendable object types, so we can start with MonolithicWorld objType. All cool.
  • Now we want directions; whilst the compass points are probably fine for nearly every game, sometimes you might want to have turnwise or widdershins. Now you have MonolithicWorld objType directionType.
  • What about arbitrary data variables you want to keep track of during the game? Now you've got MonolithicWorld objType directionType variableRecord.
  • And so on.

Chances are that most of those are going to be () - you don't want extra directions, or you don't define a special kind of door - but it's a huge pain to write out multiple times for each function signature.

We could work in an mtl-style way of component instances and typeclasses:

data MonolithicWorld s = MonolithicWorld
  { ...
  , worldData :: s

data WorldData a b c d e f g = WorldData
  { things :: Store (Object a)
  , directions :: Store (Direction b)
  -- and so on

class HasThings s a where
  things :: Lens' (MonolithicWorld s) (Store (Object a))

class HasDirections s b where
  directions :: Lens' (MonolithicWorld s) (Store (Direction b))

But this quickly ran into the same problem; a function that dealt with both Directions and Objects still needs both a and b to be parametric, and these constraints bubbled up to the, I'd often get ambiguous type variable a1 issues.

What if there was a way to do this with some type-level nonsense?

The WorldModel type families

Behold, a whole bunch of random Types!

data WorldModel = WorldModel Type Type Type Type

By using DataKinds, we can promote this to the type level. We can now start making types that look like

data SomeExtraObjTypes = GateType Gate
type Score = Int
type AWorldModel = 'WorldModel SomeExtraObjTypes () () Score

which is great; we can parameterise everything by (wm :: WorldModel), and now we have only one type variable instead of 4 (or more)! But record field accessors don't work at the type-level (F in chat), so we need to write a little boilerplate:

type family WMObjSpecifics (wm :: WorldModel) :: Type where
  WMObjSpecifics ('WorldModel objSpec dir o v) = objSpec

type family WMDirections (wm :: WorldModel) :: Type where
  WMDirections ('WorldModel objSpec dir o v) = dir 

type family WMValues (wm :: WorldModel) :: Type where
  WMValues ('WorldModel objSpec dir o v) = o

How does this work? Without doing a terrible job of massacring an explanation of how type families work, we can view these as very basic dependent types; given some type instantiation of wm :: WorldModel, we have an associated type WMObjSpecifics that is defined by the first member of that type. Now, rather than ever referring to the objSpec we can refer to WMObjSpecifics wm. Everything is unified and there's no unnecessary typeclass baggage, rejoice!

Well, there is one slight issue - this breaks GHC's deriving machinery. Types that contain a WMFoo wm have to instead use quantified instance derivations; for instance we may need to define an Ord instance like

deriving stock instance (Ord (WMDirections wm), Ord (WMObjSpecifics wm)) => Ord (FooBar wm)

which gets minorly annoying. But thanks to ConstraintKinds we can write some tidy helper types.

type WMConstr (c :: Type -> Constraint) wm = (c (WMObjSpecifics wm), c (WMValues wm), c (WMDirections wm))
type WMShow wm = WMConstr Show wm
type WMRead wm = WMConstr Read wm
type WMOrd wm = WMConstr Ord wm
type WMEq wm = WMConstr Eq wm